Given that Gavin Norman left the Monk out of Old-School Essential's Advanced Fantasy supplement, probably a wise decision, I felt like it could be a fun experiment to do my own take on a B/X monk. I decided to mostly base it on the Mystic, the BECMI incarnation of the monk, as I've always felt it is the best version of the class. I tried to include most of the typical monk abilities while keeping it consistent with the format and design philosophy of Old School Essentials. I tried to balance the high power level of the class with strict RP requirements. I have the class here in both text and pdf form. This is my first attempt at making a homebrew class, so any advice in the comments would be much appreciated.
Requirements: Minimum WIS 15, minimum DEX 9
Primary requisite: WIS
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 14
Armor: None
Weapons: Any
Languages: Alignment, Common
Monks are warrior priests who are trained in secluded monasteries, learning ancient martial arts. As monks progress so does their ability to defend themselves with neither weapons nor armor. Mastering the art of self-control, monks' mindfulness allows them to perform supernatural feats.
Alignment: All monks take an oath to either be an agent of justice or a neutral observer before beginning their training at a monastery. Because of this, a monk may be Lawful or Neutral, but never chaotic.
Combat: Monks are trained to fight without needing extra protection, so they are not able to wear armor or use shields. They may use all weapons, but they will likely find their bare hands more useful. Monks' armor class and unarmed damage gradually increase as they level up, but they do not gain a damage bonus from STR.
Restrictions: The orders to which monks belong all require an oath of poverty. This means that all monks must donate 75% of all treasure earned at the soonest opportunity. In addition, they must cast aside the trappings of wealth; They may not wear luxurious clothing or eat fancy foods. They also may not lie or perform any chaotic actions. If they do so they will be stripped of their title and lose access to their class abilities. The former monk becomes a fighter of their current level unless the referee allows them to go on a quest of atonement.
After Reaching 9th Level: A monk is considered a master, and is able to build or establish a stronghold in the form of a secluded monastery. This will be a place for meditation and training more monks. Should the monk be in good standing with their old monastery then they will pay half the cost of construction. They may also take a leadership role in a pre-established monastery if that is preferred.
Once a stronghold is established, the monk will attract followers (1d6 X 10 monks of level 1-2). These followers will remain completely devoted to the monk as long as they receive training, never checking morale. The monk may not hire any further troops for their stronghold.
Reach 10th Level and Above: Few monks reach 10th level, those that do are considered grandmasters. There can only be a single grandmaster at any given level per continent. When a monk has enough experience to reach 10th level, they must challenge an existing 10th level monk. The character only advances to 10th level if the other grandmaster is defeated. Such challenges take any form that is agreed by both parties, including combat (which need not be fatal). This process is the same for each level above 10. Each grandmaster has a title determined by the referee.
Monk Level Progression
*Modifiers from CON no longer apply
**Cannot level up until grandmaster of greater level is defeated
Monk Saving Throw Progression
Monk Abilities
These abilities are granted to the monk through their mastery of self. Though the nature of these abilities varies greatly, they are all acquired through level progression as indicated on the level progression table.
MV: Monks’ movement speed increases as they level up, as indicated on the table.
Unarmed Damage: Monks are experts in hand-to-hand fighting, as such the amount of damage they can deal while unarmed increases as they level. This damage only takes effect if they are fighting with their bare hands, and they gain no damage bonus from STR.
Armor Class: As a monk progresses through the levels their natural armor class increases.
Awareness: Monks are only surprised on a roll of 1. This may mean that a monk is able to act in the surprise round while their companions are surprised.
Heal Self: Starting at 3rd level, a monk is able to restore a number of their own hit points equal to their level once per day. This takes one combat round.
Slowfall: At 5th level monks fall at half speed and do not take fall damage from falls under 50'.
Resistant Mind: Upon reaching 7th level monks have a 50% of resisting any spell or effect meant to control or read the monks the mind, such as Charm Person or ESP. Should they fail to resist, the spell or effect will function as normal.
Speak with Plants and Animals: At 9th level monks are able to communicate with both plants and animals. This includes normal plants and animals as well as their monstrous or giant equivalents.
Slow Pulse: At 10th level monks are able to slow their pulse once per day, making them immune to all damage for a number of rounds equal to their level, though once the ability is over they will take all of the damage that they had previously avoided. They are also undetectable to magic while the ability is active.
Mind Block: Upon reaching 11h level monks are immune to any spell which effects the mind, such as Charm Person or ESP.
Slowed Aging: Starting at 12th level, monks age at half the normal rate for their species, extending their lifespan.
Immunity to Disease and Poison: At 13th level monks become immune to diseases and poisons of all kinds
Death Touch: At 14th Level monks learn the most deadly technique of all, the death touch. This ability can be used once a week, and kills the target instantly.
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